Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Vocabulary: Increasing My Word Power

adjuvant [aj´ah-vant, ă-joo´vant]
1. assisting or aiding.
2. a substance that aids another, such as an auxiliary remedy.

Centered or focused on men, often to the neglect or exclusion of women: an androcentric view of history; an androcentric ...

an·tin·o·my  (n-tn-m)
n. pl. an·tin·o·mies
1. Contradiction or opposition, especially between two laws or rules.
2. A contradiction between principles or conclusions that seem equally necessary and reasonable; a paradox.

[Latin antinomia, from Greek antinomi : anti-anti- + nomoslaw; see nem- in Indo-European roots.]

anti·nomic (nt-nmk) adj.

Concomitant - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...

accompanying especially in a subordinate or incidental way. — con·com·i·tant·ly adverb. See concomitant defined for English-language learners » ...

con·junc·tive  (kn-jngktv)
1. Joining; connective.
2. Joined together; combined: the conjunctive focus of political opposition.

dyadic [daɪˈædɪk]
1. (Chemistry) of or relating to a dyad
2. relating to or based on two; twofold

3. (Philosophy / Logic) Logic Maths (of a relation, predicate, etc.) relating two terms; binary Compare monadicpolyadic

So, "paradoxical"


  1. Inclined to cause or undergo division into separate parts or groups.
  2. (of an organism) Reproducing by fission.

gen·er·a·tive (j n r- -t v, - -r -). adj. 1. Having the ability to originate, produce, or procreate. 2. Of or relating to the production of offspring.

homeostasisDefinition from Answers.com

homeostasis n. The ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.

iconoclast - definition of iconoclast by the Free Online Dictionary ...

i·con·o·clast ( -k n -kl st ). n. 1. One who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions. 2. One who destroys sacred religious images.


Of the nature of or stating an inference.
a.1.Not capable of joint existence; incompatible; inconsistent.
Ambition and faith . . . are . . . incompossible.
- Jer. Taylor.

in vi·vo/in ˈvēvō/

(of processes) Taking place in a living organism. vs. in vitro


  1. Corresponding or similar in form and relations.
  2. Having the same crystalline form.

  1. liminal - n. pl. li·mens or lim·i·na (l m -n ). The threshold of a physiological or psychological response. [Latin l men, threshold.] lim i·nal (l m -n l) adj. liminal [ˈlɪmɪnəl]. adj ...

1. an excessive or abnormal, sometimes incoherent talkativeness. — logorrheicadj.

 multimodal having or involving several modes, modalities, or maxima<multimodal distributions> <multimodal therapy>relating to, having, or utilizing more than one mode or modality (as of stimulation or treatment) <multimodalcancer therapy involving surgery, immunotherapy, and radiation> [rkb i.e., multiple methods]


A visible trace of earlier painting beneath a layer or layers of paint on a canvas.

Penumbra. n. pl. pe·num·brae (-br ) or pe·num·bras. 1. A partial shadow, as in an eclipse, between regions of complete shadow and complete illumination. 

perturbation - definition of perturbation by the Free Online Dictionary ...
per·tur·ba·tion (pûr t r-b sh n). n. 1. a. The act of perturbing. b. The state of being perturbed; agitation. 2. a. A small change in a physical system. b. Physics ...

plaustrum ante equum (cart before the horse) fallacy. 

re·i·fy (r -f , r -). tr.v. re·i·fied, re·i·fy·ing, re·i·fies. To regard or treat (an abstraction) as if it had concrete or material existence.

ris·i·ble (r z -b l). adj. 1. Relating to laughter or used in eliciting laughter. 2. Eliciting laughter; ludicrous. 3. Capable of laughing or inclined to laugh.
sal·ta·tion  (sl-tshn, sôl-)
1. The act of leaping, jumping, or dancing.
2. Discontinuous movement, transition, or development; advancement by leaps.
3. Genetics A single mutation that drastically alters the phenotype.

  1. scha·den·freu·de (shäd n-froi d ). n. Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. [German : Schaden, damage (from Middle High German schade, from Old ...

    semioticsemeiotic [ˌsɛmɪˈɒtɪk ˌsiːmɪ-]
    1. (Linguistics) relating to signs and symbols, esp spoken or written signs
    2. (Linguistics) relating to semiotics
    3. (Medicine) of, relating to, or resembling the symptoms of disease; symptomatic

    1. an image orlikeness.
    2. a mere image or one that does not represent the reality of the original.

    stymieDefinition, Synonyms from Answers.com

    www.answers.com › Library › Literature & Language › Dictionary
    stymie also stymy tr.v. , -mied , -mieing , also -mying , -mies . To thwart; stump: a problem in thermodynamics that stymied half the class.

    the·ur·gy  (thûr-j)
    n. pl. the·ur·gies
    1. Divine or supernatural intervention in human affairs.
    2. The performance of miracles with supernatural assistance.
    3. Magic performed with the aid of beneficent spirits, as formerly practiced by the Neo-Platonists.

    Unctuous | Define Unctuous at Dictionary.com

    /ˈʌŋktʃuəs/ Show Spelled[uhngk-choo-uhs] Show IPA. adjective. 1. characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, especially in an affected manner; ... Characterized by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness: "the unctuous, complacent court composer who is consumed with envy and self-loathing" ...

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